Wednesday, 20 May 2009

New shows to watch

Well, after looking at some lists of some T.V. shows to watch, I have picked "Its Always Sunny In Philidelphia." It's a great show actually, and i got through all 4 seasons available so far within the week, because it was very interesting. To basically introduce you to the entire show, it is about 3 guys and a girl, also known as "the gang" who work and own their own pub store. However its not completely based off of the store and also tends to be about some of the most random stuff. It follows no linear storyline and each episode holds no connection with the previous (except for the double episodes of season 2 and minor conversations), So its easy to pick up from anywhere in the season.

And according to wikipedia sources, it all started off as a TV pilot that was shot in an 83 dollar budget. Since it proved to be good it was immediatly taken for a season by FX. And as the show gained popularity, it started its second season including new members such as the introduction of Dee and Dennis' dad.

Overall its a great show, and I would recommend it to anyone, though its techinically rated MA. 4.3 out of 5 stars

Oh also, same as the office, i have the episodes if you wish to watch

Friday, 15 May 2009

My favorite show in the world

Well as many of you may already know, my favorite show in the entire world would have to be The Office (the American version) so thus this post shall be about some of my best moments. I have prepared a couple screen shots below so enjoy some humor that needs no explaining. If you haven't watched it ever before, and if you know me in school ask me and give you any season you want.

Monday, 11 May 2009

He Runs Slowly

Id like to share one of my favorite poems of all time today, it's something i really enjoy to read everyday (for more fun highlight it and press control alt p if you're on a mac):

"I run slow

I work in the social services, and a lot of the people we work with have a lot of regrets. I've asked our case managers to have their clients come out and watch me run. I run so slow, time run backwards. As I waddle along, your life runs in reverse. Scars becomes wounds become chances to exercise better judgement. I run slow.

Like most people, I enjoy running in the mornings, before it gets to hot. Unlike most people, I've been pushed over by a squirrel.

I run slow. Sometimes when I am running, I think of those zen fountains that absorb a drip drip drip of water down a bamboo tube before finally tipping over and dumping their contents into a pool. Each step I take is another drip. I think, that fountain would call me a pussy.

I run slow. But I know where I have been.

Six months ago, I didn't run.

Six months ago, I had heartburn bad enough to keep me from sleeping through the night. Six months ago, I felt like I needed to go to sleep at 2pm. And six months ago, running felt impossible.

I run slow, and I have ways to go. But I can sleep. I feel alive. I can run two, slow, miles. Slowly.

Sometimes I get discouraged. I compare where I am to where other people are. But all that matters is where I am compared to where I was.

Once something good becomes something you are going to do for the rest of your life, the pace becomes less important. I know that my drip drip drip will amount to that deluge, eventually. Someday I will run 3 miles, slowly."

All Credits to Something Awful Forums

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

More T-shirts!

Yea more t-shirt doodles, made when i got bored. They make no sense whatsoever so deal with it.

Sunday, 3 May 2009



Yea lets turn off Caps lock. Anyways I hear construction and i feel rumbling. Hmmm that sorta makes me hungry and now i want chicken. Maybe i should order some chicken. Nah im too lazy and besides chicken is expensive. I could go for some pizza right now but i have no idea how to order a pizza down here in Mokpo. Speaking of Mokpo, its a pretty friendly place, where everything is like 100won-5000won cheaper. I swear you can buy soju here for like a 1000won when its like 1500 or something in Jungja.

Well this weekends been pretty slow for me, with aps and what not. I seriously think we should just all be allowed to have equal opportunities to go to equal colleges to succeed. But noooo, thats the Communist way of thought and the "man" doesn't appreciate that in the big old United St.... South Korea. So theres always Plan B. Spread the word about Communism!


Yep that doodle you see there above this? Yea i made it. You can have a couple printed out if you want for like 10 dollars. T-shirts are 20.

Yea im bored now mkaycyathnxbye

Sunday, 19 April 2009

The folk songs of New Zeland

Well my loyal followers, if i have any, it's time for another blog entry by yours truly. And like all my previous blogs, i have been pouring time, sweat and blood into finding the best things to blog about. You do not know how many hours i have spent on Youtube just trying to find the best of the best for you, the reader. (2) And today I bring you the amazing New Zeland band, who call themselves the Flight of the Conchords.

And here is info, stolen for wikipedia because i am too lazy to type today:
"Flight of the Conchords is a Grammy Award-winning New Zealand comedy duo composed of Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. Billing themselves as "Formerly New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo accapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo",[1] the group uses a combination of witty observation, characterisation and acoustic folk guitars. The duo's comedy and music became the basis of a BBC radio series and then an American television series, which premiered in 2007, also called Flight of the Conchords."

Anyways, their songs are actually pretty funny, and well worth a listening to. Just not if you're the one that hates those slight sexual comments. And i mean slight, much less than you would think. I've put my favorite 3 down at the bottom of this post, and you should seriously check them all out. And i mean watch them all the way, some parts may be a bit dull but most of it is pretty awesome. Oh and makes sure to check their show out since its supposed to be really funny.

First one is from HBO's One Night Stand, the second one is from some stand up and the last one is from the show Flight of the Conchords itself. All their songs are actually included into their show so all of these songs come out within the show

edit: added another one of my favorites, this time they sang on Letterman Show, and this song is also featured in their first episode of their TV series

Saturday, 11 April 2009

The French really know how to pull tricks

Okay, so I broke my promise to make a blog everyday, but i have a perfectly good reason. And the reason is because i was too busy researching for this blog post today. You see, I strive to bring you the best of the best, and nothing other than that. I pride myself in the quality of posts and etc....

Anyways, today I will be talking about RĂ©mi Gaillard, a French man who, by the looks of it, lives to have fun and get arrested. He has a huge history of pranks, all of which he records, and puts onto his website, but its in french so you non-french takers can just watch his videos on youtube. Some of his "accomplishments" include kicking soccer balls at targets, stealing stuff and posing as proffessional soccer, rugby, volleyball, tennis players, body builders, cyclists and several different animals, most of which have been shown on national television in France.

Every video he says and ends with his phrase: "c'est en faisant nimporte quoi qu'on devient nimporte qui" With my french skills i have translated it for you and it means: "it is by doing just anything that you become just anyone" Or actually, it could also mean "it is by doing nothing that you become nothing." Either way its a cool catch phrase so whatever.

Anyways I'm done with my ranting about the french man and i leave you with several picks of his videos on youtube:

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Big Dog, your army mule

Yep, second blog post within the same week. Definitely proved all you naysayers who believed that I'd never come back until like next month. But no, i have a promise to keep, and a English grade to maintain.

Anyways today I'll be talking about the Boston Dynamic's creations. As some of you may know they Big Dog was introduced a while back as "The Most Advanced Quadruped Robot on Earth." Those who are not familiar with them please watch:

Gosh that thing runs fast. (4mph) Also it can carry up to 350 lbs of weight and climb 35 degree slopes. Now I might just be negative, but couldn't one achieve the same exact results with perhaps, another human? Nah, its more fun to watch that thing get kicked around and slip on ice I guess. But this isn't the only thing that Boston Dynamics have created. Because of their funding from DARPA, they were able to create other things such as Little Dog, RiSE, and RHex: (left to right)

(the RHex also comes in rugged, water and wheel versions)

Just looking at these things makes me dream of what they'll come up with next. Actually I know EXACTLY where they're headed. They're gonna make a Metal Gear REX(robots from the game series Metal Gear Solid). They've nearly got the name right and I think if the government got some people to pay Boston Dynamics they could make one. Pic for reference:

Awww yea that'd be sweet driving in one of those, destroying everything in your path. Almost as good as nuclear bombs, except cooler because you controll the thing, and not some missile guiding program built by the government.

Well a man can dream, and one day, I guess everyone will have their own Metal Gears and attack each other. One day.....

In the mean time, we have Big Dog: "The Most Advanced Quadruped Robot on Earth." And I must say, this is the first time ive seen a robot dog swing. (1:19)

Boston Dynamics Main Site

also remember to spread my petition in a spam email to everyone you know, thanks

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

My life in Fail

Well, not having updated in a while I think i need to start making some daily updates. And I'm not just doing this because Ms. Patterson is going to check the amount of blogs written on the 14th. (I swear I'm not.) I'm doing this because I LOVE blogging and it is something i like to do on a daily basis. Grades do not matter to me, though I think this blogs worth an A+. Hint hint. So thus I will be finding new stuff everyday to talk about, or just talk about random stuff.

Today, lets talk about FAIL Blog.( It's been around for a while and some of u internet savvy people may already know about this blog. Well as you probably have guessed, its a blog, about "fail." Now some of the jokes in this might be a little dirty for you so i don't recommend it for those who dislike the occasional dirty joke or so. But it does give a good variety of funny videos, and pictures so make sure to visit at least once. Not at school though, since you never know if a teacher will sneak up behind you to see what you may be doing in class. (I advise you check behind u every so often, if you REALLY want to see it at school)

Here's some of my random selections(safe for school/work/any public place):

Don't like any of them? Then you have no sense of humor and I ask of you to exit this blog right now and never come back. Wait no not really, I need more people to visit for the cluster maps thing. So even if you dont like my humor, just come back every so often.

Now I leave you to see some lobsters fight with knives

edit: All pictures come from and is their possession or is whoever they got it from's possession

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Hello from the bunkers

You are wondering, why am I sending a message from a bunker. Well I'll get to that soon enough, but let me give you some other info first.

Lets talk about China, the great big nation known for "communism." If you've read the news lately, you should know that China had "harassed" a U.S. Navy ocean surveillance ship (USNS Impeccable) by getting close to it and throwing debris near it. The story is actually pretty funny once you read it, which could be found here: click the linky or from a quick search on Google. Heres a direct quote from that said site, "In response, Impeccable sprayed water out of fire hoses at one of the vessels, but its crew members stripped to their underwear as their ship "continued closing to within 25 feet," the Pentagon said."

Wait, hold up now. STRIPPED TO THEIR UNDERWEAR whilst being hosed down?

Now, I'm usually not one to judge, but isn't that a bit, in the least, weird? Perhaps the crewmen of the ship wanted a quick bath from staying out from shore so long, or perhaps they liked being hosed by a water hose. None of that really matters. What really does matter is that, China has claimed that this was their territorial waters, while the international law has claimed it as international waters. But none of this stuff is fun to talk about, and if you do want to talk about it you can go speak(write) about this on some internet forum or so.

Now, to make this news a bit more fun, I went ahead and researched a bit about the USNS Impeccable and why the Chinese ships may have wanted to to harass it. My search led to this:

Now who wouldn't want to race through that huge hole in the middle of the ship? Or perhaps some of them were drunk and saw it as this:

GASP a huge metal shark, boy were they smart to throw some debris in the way to stop it from destroying the mainland. Those Chinese are awfully honorable to sacrifice themselves to stop this evil evil shark from the U.S from destroying their home.

But in all seriousness, this soon escalated to the point where president Obama is now sending armed escorts for future surveillance ships in that area. What does this mean?

Well of course it means, get ready for the upcoming war! If you're in the states, go to your nearest Home Depot, and get yourself one of those handy dandy bomb shelters. For others, try to make one yourself like i did or go dig yourself a big big hole. Then stock up on lots and lots of pop-tarts, you're gonna need it.


And that is why I am hiding in my bunker, just to get ready for the great war to come. Yes, these 4 inch thick walls of feather and wood is designed to keep me safe from nuclear radiation that is almost sure to come. Once the planet is devastated by war, I shall rise out of the ashes and soon conquer the world. And you too can join me, for i shall need many many minions to do my bidding. Act now, or spots will be filled much too quickly. There already is a 1 month waiting list and you don't to risk it any longer.

So now my friends, I bid you farewell, as i will be no longer emerging out of my bunker any more. Instead i shall send a robot designed to look and feel like a real person to go to school and do everything else, while i stay in safety. Perhaps you'll hear of me from my blog, perhaps not. I wish you all of luck, and I shall see you soon again, after the nuclear war.

Monday, 2 March 2009

How to make Ramen (the basics)

Don't let the title fool you. I'm not gonna help you make ramen. I'm going to help you make great ramen. Perhaps the best in the world, after mine of course. But you ask, why do I need to learn how to make ramen? Simply because, if you don't know how to make it, you absolutely can not call yourself a man. (an Asian one at least) If you're a girl, and you can't make it, men will look at you with much hatred.

Now you say, Oh its just pouring water into one of those special plastic cups. If you were here right now I would have instantly slapped you in your face. It's not, and you're thinking of cup ramen, the worst type of ramen you'll probably ever find. If you think price wise, sure they're great and all, but quality wise, its just crap. So to help you, here's a short quiz. Which one looks better and seems like better ramen? Left picture or right picture?

If you picked right, you haven't been reading this at all. You suck and I wish I could hit you. It's time to be reeducated.
If you picked left, congratulations, you don't suck. Now the thing is, do you know how to make it? If not, read the my step by step guide to learn how. If you know how to make it, still read it because my way is probably better than yours.

First of all get yourself some ramen. Open it up like so:

Next get a nice pan pot thing like the one here:

Raid your fridge for anything you could throw into your ramen. Get an egg too. Example: 2 eggs and some ham rolled in cheese.

Fill up your pan pot with water, it can be sink water if you want, but i've got filtered. (ATTENTION: Ignore what the package says about water, go with your instincts just not too much or too little. It all comes to you as you make more and more.)

Boil water and watch. Or pretend you're watching NASCAR. Both will bore you unimaginably.

As soon as water starts to boil put that ramen noodle in. DO NOT BREAK unless your pan pot thing is abnormally small.

Throw rest of the stuff in there. (save stuff that doesnt have to cook until the end like cheese)

Stir carefully. Note if you put an egg in there, you have 2 options. Option 1: break the yolk and make the soup less spicy and more creamy like. Or Option 2: stir carefully so you do not break the yolk. Both ways are fine.

As soon as you see the eggs done, get yourself a bowl. Or if you don't feel like it, just eat it straight off the pot. (If you didnt put eggs in, WHY DIDN'T YOU? Oh well, you'll just have to decide whenever then.

Throw leftover things in, add whatever you want, just don't go overboard.


(pics down edits to come)

Thursday, 26 February 2009

My captain My captain

This year, I started playing soccer (goalie). Being new to soccer completely, I have been put in JV mainly because I suck. If I were to describe my skills in soccer, I would try very hard, then give up mainly because I am that bad. Chances are that, little kids could kick better than me. Seriously. But my captain, Chris Nam, gives me hope. He tells me i can improve as long as I try hard. He my role model, and I wish to grow up JUST like him. But enough about myself, lets talk about Chris. It's not like i mind running up the mountain's everyday and running suicides, but Chris running so fast makes me look slow. That glorious man, is so fast, he could be in Jungja by the time i leave school.

Now let me tell you about Chris Nam's life. He is a sophomore, just like me, and goes to KIS. That much should be obvious by now. But what you may not have known is that Chris is a genius. No wait, people should already know that by now. Even ask Jane Woo(, who gets tutored by Chris for chemistry. She would definitly agree that Chris is the smartest, most awesome person in the world.

People may know Chris' brother Patrick Nam, for his smarts, but what people dont realize is that Chris is so much more smarter. And I'm not even kidding, Chris will answer every question you ask him and occasionaly add a certain phrase that i dont think is appropriate for Ms. Pattersons' eyes to view. But that doesnt mean Chris is a bad guy who talks trash to others. The others usually deserve it for not being as smart as Chris.

Why do I talk so much about Chris though? You may be thinking, is this guy in love with Chris? Or perhaps you are thinking that he is paying me to write this. He's not, I SWEAR. It is because though i look up to him, but I probably am nothing in his eyes. Just a small insect buzzing around, watching him in all his glory, is probably what I am. But if i were to look for a girl, it would most likely be like the woman you see on the left. A perfect woman with perfect looks and perfect brains. A complete copy of Chris in a female form. Oh, how I wish someone like that existed. But alas, I can not find one, and i cry every night thinking about how I probably never will.

One day I guess I'll forget about Chris Nam. But that one day is not today. Nor shall it be any day soon. Perhaps during my senile years, but I only hope, when i die, I'll see Chris while having a flashback of my entire life. Then I'll be able to pass as a happy man.

Next up: a step by step guide to make ramen (with pictures)