Thursday, 26 February 2009

My captain My captain

This year, I started playing soccer (goalie). Being new to soccer completely, I have been put in JV mainly because I suck. If I were to describe my skills in soccer, I would try very hard, then give up mainly because I am that bad. Chances are that, little kids could kick better than me. Seriously. But my captain, Chris Nam, gives me hope. He tells me i can improve as long as I try hard. He my role model, and I wish to grow up JUST like him. But enough about myself, lets talk about Chris. It's not like i mind running up the mountain's everyday and running suicides, but Chris running so fast makes me look slow. That glorious man, is so fast, he could be in Jungja by the time i leave school.

Now let me tell you about Chris Nam's life. He is a sophomore, just like me, and goes to KIS. That much should be obvious by now. But what you may not have known is that Chris is a genius. No wait, people should already know that by now. Even ask Jane Woo(, who gets tutored by Chris for chemistry. She would definitly agree that Chris is the smartest, most awesome person in the world.

People may know Chris' brother Patrick Nam, for his smarts, but what people dont realize is that Chris is so much more smarter. And I'm not even kidding, Chris will answer every question you ask him and occasionaly add a certain phrase that i dont think is appropriate for Ms. Pattersons' eyes to view. But that doesnt mean Chris is a bad guy who talks trash to others. The others usually deserve it for not being as smart as Chris.

Why do I talk so much about Chris though? You may be thinking, is this guy in love with Chris? Or perhaps you are thinking that he is paying me to write this. He's not, I SWEAR. It is because though i look up to him, but I probably am nothing in his eyes. Just a small insect buzzing around, watching him in all his glory, is probably what I am. But if i were to look for a girl, it would most likely be like the woman you see on the left. A perfect woman with perfect looks and perfect brains. A complete copy of Chris in a female form. Oh, how I wish someone like that existed. But alas, I can not find one, and i cry every night thinking about how I probably never will.

One day I guess I'll forget about Chris Nam. But that one day is not today. Nor shall it be any day soon. Perhaps during my senile years, but I only hope, when i die, I'll see Chris while having a flashback of my entire life. Then I'll be able to pass as a happy man.

Next up: a step by step guide to make ramen (with pictures)

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