Anyways today I'll be talking about the Boston Dynamic's creations. As some of you may know they Big Dog was introduced a while back as "The Most Advanced Quadruped Robot on Earth." Those who are not familiar with them please watch:
Gosh that thing runs fast. (4mph) Also it can carry up to 350 lbs of weight and climb 35 degree slopes. Now I might just be negative, but couldn't one achieve the same exact results with perhaps, another human? Nah, its more fun to watch that thing get kicked around and slip on ice I guess. But this isn't the only thing that Boston Dynamics have created. Because of their funding from DARPA, they were able to create other things such as Little Dog, RiSE, and RHex: (left to right)
(the RHex also comes in rugged, water and wheel versions)
Just looking at these things makes me dream of what they'll come up with next. Actually I know EXACTLY where they're headed. They're gonna make a Metal Gear REX(robots from the game series Metal Gear Solid). They've nearly got the name right and I think if the government got some people to pay Boston Dynamics they could make one. Pic for reference:
Awww yea that'd be sweet driving in one of those, destroying everything in your path. Almost as good as nuclear bombs, except cooler because you controll the thing, and not some missile guiding program built by the government.
Well a man can dream, and one day, I guess everyone will have their own Metal Gears and attack each other. One day.....
In the mean time, we have Big Dog: "The Most Advanced Quadruped Robot on Earth." And I must say, this is the first time ive seen a robot dog swing. (1:19)
Boston Dynamics Main Site
also remember to spread my petition in a spam email to everyone you know, thanks
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