Saturday, 11 April 2009

The French really know how to pull tricks

Okay, so I broke my promise to make a blog everyday, but i have a perfectly good reason. And the reason is because i was too busy researching for this blog post today. You see, I strive to bring you the best of the best, and nothing other than that. I pride myself in the quality of posts and etc....

Anyways, today I will be talking about RĂ©mi Gaillard, a French man who, by the looks of it, lives to have fun and get arrested. He has a huge history of pranks, all of which he records, and puts onto his website, but its in french so you non-french takers can just watch his videos on youtube. Some of his "accomplishments" include kicking soccer balls at targets, stealing stuff and posing as proffessional soccer, rugby, volleyball, tennis players, body builders, cyclists and several different animals, most of which have been shown on national television in France.

Every video he says and ends with his phrase: "c'est en faisant nimporte quoi qu'on devient nimporte qui" With my french skills i have translated it for you and it means: "it is by doing just anything that you become just anyone" Or actually, it could also mean "it is by doing nothing that you become nothing." Either way its a cool catch phrase so whatever.

Anyways I'm done with my ranting about the french man and i leave you with several picks of his videos on youtube:

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