Sunday, 19 April 2009

The folk songs of New Zeland

Well my loyal followers, if i have any, it's time for another blog entry by yours truly. And like all my previous blogs, i have been pouring time, sweat and blood into finding the best things to blog about. You do not know how many hours i have spent on Youtube just trying to find the best of the best for you, the reader. (2) And today I bring you the amazing New Zeland band, who call themselves the Flight of the Conchords.

And here is info, stolen for wikipedia because i am too lazy to type today:
"Flight of the Conchords is a Grammy Award-winning New Zealand comedy duo composed of Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. Billing themselves as "Formerly New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo accapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo",[1] the group uses a combination of witty observation, characterisation and acoustic folk guitars. The duo's comedy and music became the basis of a BBC radio series and then an American television series, which premiered in 2007, also called Flight of the Conchords."

Anyways, their songs are actually pretty funny, and well worth a listening to. Just not if you're the one that hates those slight sexual comments. And i mean slight, much less than you would think. I've put my favorite 3 down at the bottom of this post, and you should seriously check them all out. And i mean watch them all the way, some parts may be a bit dull but most of it is pretty awesome. Oh and makes sure to check their show out since its supposed to be really funny.

First one is from HBO's One Night Stand, the second one is from some stand up and the last one is from the show Flight of the Conchords itself. All their songs are actually included into their show so all of these songs come out within the show

edit: added another one of my favorites, this time they sang on Letterman Show, and this song is also featured in their first episode of their TV series

Saturday, 11 April 2009

The French really know how to pull tricks

Okay, so I broke my promise to make a blog everyday, but i have a perfectly good reason. And the reason is because i was too busy researching for this blog post today. You see, I strive to bring you the best of the best, and nothing other than that. I pride myself in the quality of posts and etc....

Anyways, today I will be talking about RĂ©mi Gaillard, a French man who, by the looks of it, lives to have fun and get arrested. He has a huge history of pranks, all of which he records, and puts onto his website, but its in french so you non-french takers can just watch his videos on youtube. Some of his "accomplishments" include kicking soccer balls at targets, stealing stuff and posing as proffessional soccer, rugby, volleyball, tennis players, body builders, cyclists and several different animals, most of which have been shown on national television in France.

Every video he says and ends with his phrase: "c'est en faisant nimporte quoi qu'on devient nimporte qui" With my french skills i have translated it for you and it means: "it is by doing just anything that you become just anyone" Or actually, it could also mean "it is by doing nothing that you become nothing." Either way its a cool catch phrase so whatever.

Anyways I'm done with my ranting about the french man and i leave you with several picks of his videos on youtube:

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Big Dog, your army mule

Yep, second blog post within the same week. Definitely proved all you naysayers who believed that I'd never come back until like next month. But no, i have a promise to keep, and a English grade to maintain.

Anyways today I'll be talking about the Boston Dynamic's creations. As some of you may know they Big Dog was introduced a while back as "The Most Advanced Quadruped Robot on Earth." Those who are not familiar with them please watch:

Gosh that thing runs fast. (4mph) Also it can carry up to 350 lbs of weight and climb 35 degree slopes. Now I might just be negative, but couldn't one achieve the same exact results with perhaps, another human? Nah, its more fun to watch that thing get kicked around and slip on ice I guess. But this isn't the only thing that Boston Dynamics have created. Because of their funding from DARPA, they were able to create other things such as Little Dog, RiSE, and RHex: (left to right)

(the RHex also comes in rugged, water and wheel versions)

Just looking at these things makes me dream of what they'll come up with next. Actually I know EXACTLY where they're headed. They're gonna make a Metal Gear REX(robots from the game series Metal Gear Solid). They've nearly got the name right and I think if the government got some people to pay Boston Dynamics they could make one. Pic for reference:

Awww yea that'd be sweet driving in one of those, destroying everything in your path. Almost as good as nuclear bombs, except cooler because you controll the thing, and not some missile guiding program built by the government.

Well a man can dream, and one day, I guess everyone will have their own Metal Gears and attack each other. One day.....

In the mean time, we have Big Dog: "The Most Advanced Quadruped Robot on Earth." And I must say, this is the first time ive seen a robot dog swing. (1:19)

Boston Dynamics Main Site

also remember to spread my petition in a spam email to everyone you know, thanks

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

My life in Fail

Well, not having updated in a while I think i need to start making some daily updates. And I'm not just doing this because Ms. Patterson is going to check the amount of blogs written on the 14th. (I swear I'm not.) I'm doing this because I LOVE blogging and it is something i like to do on a daily basis. Grades do not matter to me, though I think this blogs worth an A+. Hint hint. So thus I will be finding new stuff everyday to talk about, or just talk about random stuff.

Today, lets talk about FAIL Blog.( It's been around for a while and some of u internet savvy people may already know about this blog. Well as you probably have guessed, its a blog, about "fail." Now some of the jokes in this might be a little dirty for you so i don't recommend it for those who dislike the occasional dirty joke or so. But it does give a good variety of funny videos, and pictures so make sure to visit at least once. Not at school though, since you never know if a teacher will sneak up behind you to see what you may be doing in class. (I advise you check behind u every so often, if you REALLY want to see it at school)

Here's some of my random selections(safe for school/work/any public place):

Don't like any of them? Then you have no sense of humor and I ask of you to exit this blog right now and never come back. Wait no not really, I need more people to visit for the cluster maps thing. So even if you dont like my humor, just come back every so often.

Now I leave you to see some lobsters fight with knives

edit: All pictures come from and is their possession or is whoever they got it from's possession