Wednesday, 20 May 2009

New shows to watch

Well, after looking at some lists of some T.V. shows to watch, I have picked "Its Always Sunny In Philidelphia." It's a great show actually, and i got through all 4 seasons available so far within the week, because it was very interesting. To basically introduce you to the entire show, it is about 3 guys and a girl, also known as "the gang" who work and own their own pub store. However its not completely based off of the store and also tends to be about some of the most random stuff. It follows no linear storyline and each episode holds no connection with the previous (except for the double episodes of season 2 and minor conversations), So its easy to pick up from anywhere in the season.

And according to wikipedia sources, it all started off as a TV pilot that was shot in an 83 dollar budget. Since it proved to be good it was immediatly taken for a season by FX. And as the show gained popularity, it started its second season including new members such as the introduction of Dee and Dennis' dad.

Overall its a great show, and I would recommend it to anyone, though its techinically rated MA. 4.3 out of 5 stars

Oh also, same as the office, i have the episodes if you wish to watch

Friday, 15 May 2009

My favorite show in the world

Well as many of you may already know, my favorite show in the entire world would have to be The Office (the American version) so thus this post shall be about some of my best moments. I have prepared a couple screen shots below so enjoy some humor that needs no explaining. If you haven't watched it ever before, and if you know me in school ask me and give you any season you want.

Monday, 11 May 2009

He Runs Slowly

Id like to share one of my favorite poems of all time today, it's something i really enjoy to read everyday (for more fun highlight it and press control alt p if you're on a mac):

"I run slow

I work in the social services, and a lot of the people we work with have a lot of regrets. I've asked our case managers to have their clients come out and watch me run. I run so slow, time run backwards. As I waddle along, your life runs in reverse. Scars becomes wounds become chances to exercise better judgement. I run slow.

Like most people, I enjoy running in the mornings, before it gets to hot. Unlike most people, I've been pushed over by a squirrel.

I run slow. Sometimes when I am running, I think of those zen fountains that absorb a drip drip drip of water down a bamboo tube before finally tipping over and dumping their contents into a pool. Each step I take is another drip. I think, that fountain would call me a pussy.

I run slow. But I know where I have been.

Six months ago, I didn't run.

Six months ago, I had heartburn bad enough to keep me from sleeping through the night. Six months ago, I felt like I needed to go to sleep at 2pm. And six months ago, running felt impossible.

I run slow, and I have ways to go. But I can sleep. I feel alive. I can run two, slow, miles. Slowly.

Sometimes I get discouraged. I compare where I am to where other people are. But all that matters is where I am compared to where I was.

Once something good becomes something you are going to do for the rest of your life, the pace becomes less important. I know that my drip drip drip will amount to that deluge, eventually. Someday I will run 3 miles, slowly."

All Credits to Something Awful Forums

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

More T-shirts!

Yea more t-shirt doodles, made when i got bored. They make no sense whatsoever so deal with it.

Sunday, 3 May 2009



Yea lets turn off Caps lock. Anyways I hear construction and i feel rumbling. Hmmm that sorta makes me hungry and now i want chicken. Maybe i should order some chicken. Nah im too lazy and besides chicken is expensive. I could go for some pizza right now but i have no idea how to order a pizza down here in Mokpo. Speaking of Mokpo, its a pretty friendly place, where everything is like 100won-5000won cheaper. I swear you can buy soju here for like a 1000won when its like 1500 or something in Jungja.

Well this weekends been pretty slow for me, with aps and what not. I seriously think we should just all be allowed to have equal opportunities to go to equal colleges to succeed. But noooo, thats the Communist way of thought and the "man" doesn't appreciate that in the big old United St.... South Korea. So theres always Plan B. Spread the word about Communism!


Yep that doodle you see there above this? Yea i made it. You can have a couple printed out if you want for like 10 dollars. T-shirts are 20.

Yea im bored now mkaycyathnxbye

Sunday, 19 April 2009

The folk songs of New Zeland

Well my loyal followers, if i have any, it's time for another blog entry by yours truly. And like all my previous blogs, i have been pouring time, sweat and blood into finding the best things to blog about. You do not know how many hours i have spent on Youtube just trying to find the best of the best for you, the reader. (2) And today I bring you the amazing New Zeland band, who call themselves the Flight of the Conchords.

And here is info, stolen for wikipedia because i am too lazy to type today:
"Flight of the Conchords is a Grammy Award-winning New Zealand comedy duo composed of Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. Billing themselves as "Formerly New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo accapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo",[1] the group uses a combination of witty observation, characterisation and acoustic folk guitars. The duo's comedy and music became the basis of a BBC radio series and then an American television series, which premiered in 2007, also called Flight of the Conchords."

Anyways, their songs are actually pretty funny, and well worth a listening to. Just not if you're the one that hates those slight sexual comments. And i mean slight, much less than you would think. I've put my favorite 3 down at the bottom of this post, and you should seriously check them all out. And i mean watch them all the way, some parts may be a bit dull but most of it is pretty awesome. Oh and makes sure to check their show out since its supposed to be really funny.

First one is from HBO's One Night Stand, the second one is from some stand up and the last one is from the show Flight of the Conchords itself. All their songs are actually included into their show so all of these songs come out within the show

edit: added another one of my favorites, this time they sang on Letterman Show, and this song is also featured in their first episode of their TV series

Saturday, 11 April 2009

The French really know how to pull tricks

Okay, so I broke my promise to make a blog everyday, but i have a perfectly good reason. And the reason is because i was too busy researching for this blog post today. You see, I strive to bring you the best of the best, and nothing other than that. I pride myself in the quality of posts and etc....

Anyways, today I will be talking about Rémi Gaillard, a French man who, by the looks of it, lives to have fun and get arrested. He has a huge history of pranks, all of which he records, and puts onto his website, but its in french so you non-french takers can just watch his videos on youtube. Some of his "accomplishments" include kicking soccer balls at targets, stealing stuff and posing as proffessional soccer, rugby, volleyball, tennis players, body builders, cyclists and several different animals, most of which have been shown on national television in France.

Every video he says and ends with his phrase: "c'est en faisant nimporte quoi qu'on devient nimporte qui" With my french skills i have translated it for you and it means: "it is by doing just anything that you become just anyone" Or actually, it could also mean "it is by doing nothing that you become nothing." Either way its a cool catch phrase so whatever.

Anyways I'm done with my ranting about the french man and i leave you with several picks of his videos on youtube: